Admissions and Additional Information


  • For those who wish to enroll, please contact the school of business office for further information about the enrollment process. 
  • Eligibility: 
    • Each student must have a US issued Passport or Visa. 
    • In most cases, students enrolling in the full-time day school must have some proficiency in Japanese. This is a case by case requirement and can be added in further detail in person or over the phone. 
School Bus and Operations (Full-time Program)
  • Full-time: Applicants can use the school bus for a fee. 
  • Bus stop locations: Ypao Park, Pia Marine, Dededo (next to Bank of Guam and Winchells). Parents are kindly requested to bring and pick and up students from the bus stop locations. 
  • Charges: $ 88 per student / $ 11 per ticket
School Bus and Operations (Saturday School Program)
  • Applicants can use the school bus for a fee. 
  • Bus stop locations: Ypao Park, Pia Marine, Micronesia Mall, and Dededo. Parents are requested to kindly pick-up students from the bus stop locations. 
  • Charges: $ 71 per student / $ 11 per ticket
Required School Supplies for Full-time Program: 
  • Japanese Curriculum / Textbooks:
    • The curriculum and textbooks used at the Japanese School of Guam are created and distributed by the Government of Japan, which is a standardized curriculum used by Japanese schools around the word.
    • Students will be required to purchase these textbooks, which are available in the school office. 
    • These textbooks are also available at 
      • The foundation must receive a request from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology in order to receive textbooks. 
    • Learning Tools Necessary for Each Grade: