ファンドレイジングについて / Fundraising at PANDA EXPRESS

グアム日本人学校 / The Japanese School of Guam
PTA会長 永橋英郎 / PTA President: Hideo Nagahashi

ファンドレイジングについて / Fundraising at PANDA EXPRESS

 日頃よりPTA活動にご理解とご協力をいただき、大変ありがとうございます。さて2学期のPTA活動ですがPANDA EXPRESS(中華料理店)の協賛によるファンドレイジングのプログラムに参加することになりました。下記の日時(一日限定)において、店舗での飲食かテイクアウト時に、次のいずれかの方法により、支払金額の20%が日本人学校PTAへの寄付として還元されます。(この方法でないと寄付としてカウントされませんのでご注意下さい。)



場所:PANDA EXPRESS: Agana Shopping Centerのみ(他店舗の利用は無効、ご注意下さい)

Thank you so much for your continuous support for The Japanese School of Guam, PTA. This semester we will participate in the fundraising program sponsored by “PANDA EXPRESS” (Chinese Restaurant). When you dine-in or take-out in one of the following ways on Oct 12 (one day only), the restaurant will donate 20% of the event sales to the Japanese School.

1. Submit the paper flyer (next page) to the cashier.
2. Show the digital flyer on your phone to the cashier.
(The flyer is attached to the e-mail or shown on The Japanese School website.)
3. When you order online, enter the promo code 255866.
(Delivery is not available. You must pick up your order.)

It is valid not only for PTA members but also for anyone as long as he/she orders by one of the methods above. Please invite your friends and colleagues to order at Panda Express. (Flyers cannot be distributed inside and within the vicinity of the store, including the parking lot, before or during the event.)

Location: PANDA EXPRESS at Agana Shopping Center (this location only, NOT GPO, MM)
Date/Time: Fri, Oct 12, 10AM—9PM